Cooler times AND Part 2 of A Tussock Tale

Things didn’t end well for Joe…but there was a twist.

Joe’s dog Blipper had felt uneasy and had gone looking for him but unfortunately the storm had disturbed a dead sheep at the edge of the lake and he found that instead.
When Joe eventually staggered home his mom went ballistic because he had lost one of his new $279.99 sports shoes so grounded and banned him from the school dance to which he had planned to take Anne, a studious lass of grrreat potential who on hearing this news went instead with Roger a TDH (Tall dark and handsome) lad, who in spite of an obsession with things techie, rose to the occasion (so to bark). And we all know howTHAT worked out. 
And I am off to THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) to do a training course on “The dangers of overthinking” recommended by my good friend Jim who is skiing in the US of A and trying not to break anything this time.

The Boss is off to meet The Bossess in Wellington for a Looong weekend about which I have nothing to bark.

Oh…Todays image was shot from the top of the Crown Range road and carries a warning of Winter to come.


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