couches in alleys

By lonelywanderkid

stable song

there are two women who are essentially the stabilizers of my life. and both of them coincidentally decided to leave the country in the past two months at the same time. but as of 8:00 tonight both of them are back! so now hopefully my life can return to some semblance of sanity.

when i explained to one of them what i had been up to they compared it to a parent leaving the room for a minute, only to return and find their child has sprayed hershey's chocolate syrup all over the new couch, drawn on the walls with sniffy markers and is peeing on the brand new carpet.

the thing is neither of them can ever know how important they are. the facade of contempt and utter loathing is the only thing that works.

by the way the picture for today is an atonement reference. i threw it together quickly as i had no really picture from today. as is usually the case the picture and corresponding blog have nothing whatsoever to do with each other.

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