Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Very laid back day. Didn't take any photos until Crystal and I went to the night drop off at the car dealer. She needs to get her car looked at before she and Micah head out to California. Her car has 103,000 miles on it, but I guess diesel engines are built for the long haul. She often uses bio-diesel, but I think she wants to get the fix to have the option to use pure veggie oil.

She and Micah are moving out west, so they can be there to help Melody and Miguel with the baby when he arrives. Lots of preparation and getting stuff ready for their move. I'm just so glad they could come and visit before heading off next month.

Could they all head out any farther away? Florida to Cali, and Florida to Massachusetts ... hmm... with any luck, Marya will move to California and we will be able to do the same. It would be great to be in the same state, but we'll see.

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