The tide is high.

J dropped me at the gym, and came home to make some corned beef pie, and pasties.  I did some shopping, and caught the bus home.  When I got in , he was still baking, and wasn't too happy, because a  friend had called, and he had to go and sort out a problem he had with his car.  Now I am not complaining, well I am just a bit but he must have   used every dish, utensil, and plate that we possess. I spent ages washing up, and clearing away all the dishes. When he had finished, we had lunch, a pasty to taste    and then take some down to our daughter,son-in-law, and g/daughter . They are going to Disneyland Paris in the morning, and they are for them to eat on the way. He also has to get up at 4.15 am to take them to the pick up point. Guess what we had for our evening meal, yes, corned beef pie, and it was delicious.  he will read this later  This afternoon we went down to Southerndown, and boy was it windy. 

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