
By DawnAgain

Another Forest Mere sunset

After a trying day I treated myself to a diversion to Forest Mere on the way home from work to catch the end of the sunset and listen to the soothing sound of ducks quacking.

I woke in the early hours with jaw ache/neuralgia and tried to ignore it for several hours before giving in and getting some drugs, which I've been taking all day at regular intervals and, finally, it seems to be in abeyance. It was, as always, quite debilitating and I pretty much lost the morning to it although I eventually got out with the dogs for a walk (and got caught in one hell of a blizzard!).

Anyway, I made it into work. It was just me in the office this afternoon and it was ridiculously busy. I worked at full pelt and was so pleased to get out of there at 5.30 pm. The good news is that's the day job over with for this week and now I can get back to my skeletons who generally cause me a lot less trouble.

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