We Should Stop Meeting This Way

Slowed down by a traffic jam caused by two accidents close to each other, this company car belonging to a coin-and-stamp shop in Rotterdam was positioned next to me on the Brienenoord Bridge and so I thought ... why not?  Sometimes you have to take advantage of what comes your way, especially if you just know you won't see them again.  And to think I had already taken several shots of the pretty cotton clouds in the beautiful blue sky.

Went to work, worked, and worked some more, and some more, and finally left at about 20.00.  I have three umbrellas in the car but because of the blue skies I left all three in the car, despite knowing that the weather was predicted to change in the afternoon.  Anyway, I simply waited till the rain stopped.

Sis-in-law is doing fine in the hospital.  She'll be there till next week, at the least.  The operation went well and we're thinking of visiting her in the weekend.  Bro-in-law J also confirmed the good feeling yesterday in the courthouse.  I am so happy about that.  The real goal was achieved -- hubby finally had his day in court.  I notice it, too -- how he's more relaxed, smiling more, laughing more.  Poor dear, he's been through a wringer.  Now, he can hold his head high.

Tonight, Dutch Cup semi-finals ... and a load of correction work.

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