The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The way we live now

A long day. Five hours at nursery, riding because our staff numbers are down, owing to ilness. Then a rush to our WEA class in the next town. I think I managed to stay awake most of the time. I love the class but do find myself nodding off because it's so warm and just after lunch.

Steve came over to drop off a projector screen, and took me home. We got back about five. I watched a quiz programme then ate tea and went out to work again. Got back 2.5 hours later and threw a bread mix into the machine, and myself
Into the bath. Exhausted. Hence the terrible blip of shiny kitchen things.

Also got a text offering me more work, a call suggesting several work sessions, and a booking for my first ever paid cardmaking workshop. The word must be out: it's definitely a feast at the moment!

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