
By CharlotteJ

Mr Cock!!

We were up and out way before Mr Cock could shake his feathers an put a shout out!!

The traffic into the city was just plain right silly for such a time of day! However, we made pretty good time and good enough to allow us to enjoy a breakfast together (so twee I know).  Chris headed in one direction and I the other, my morning less hectic than his, although my focus was on a few issues, minor, but important for the UK.    I went and spent the morning at our 'virtual office' and this was / is my view from my 'hot desk'.

Our drive back to the country was quick and easy, although we did nearly witness a road side traffic accident between a lorry and a Ute......the lorry was part of a construction / road works operation and the ute took an opportunity.....the fault lay between them both, the ute driver being stupid and the construction site having inadequate traffic management....thankfully all was OK and everyone fine.

My blip, my view today 

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