
By KirstyHalbert

Mountain Lake

I can't believe how lucky we've been with our weather this trip. Beautiful blue skies again this morning, and hot enough to sit outside in shorts and a vest at 8.00am. Today M and I decided to start working our way back to Gjesdal via the mountains rather than the coast road we left on. We had a great journey, stopping in Maja for a picnic lunch (although - cured reindeer = YUCK) and outside Evje for a drink of apple juice sitting on a boulder in the middle of the river. We saw some wonderful scenery on the way, and travelled a good 130 km in the direction of our start-point. We found a campsite in Evje and pitched our tent overlooking a wide expanse of water that looked like a lake but was in fact a broad, slow-flowing river.

We bought another engangsgrill and some steaks for dinner, which we ate on the sandy banks of the river. Afterwards, we played a few games of cards; M is now reading his kindle while I write, and we're planning our day tomorrow. I think we'll head over to Sirdal, the first part of Norway M ever took me to, two years ago. We know the area and could play some golf, pick blueberries or walk. We're both brown now, with much blonder hair than when we left. We're both covered in a million midgie bites too; the sign of a good holiday! :)

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