
By feefifofum

I gota brand new combine 'arvester...

Ok, it's not new, you don't have to be a farmer to know it's not a combine harvester, and it certainly isn't mine! However I do find something quite appealing about bobbing around the site on it.

Another wet day at work today, however for once I had a mostly inside-y day, washing 160 mugs by hand and ending the day with cleaning the staff room, however I did get extremely wet driving the tractor and trailer to collect all the grass the boys had raked up from yesterday's strimming, unfortunately with my short legs I have to sit forward on the seat to reach the brake and clutch pedals, so the rain went down the back of the seat and I ended up with a very soggy behind!

I am extremely thankful that it is now the weekend, I am absolutely exhausted!!

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