
This is a picture of patience!
I see this father and daughter often in the morning as I walk Jewelz. They enjoy each others company and VERY often dad is patiently waiting for his daughter to walk the direction he requires her to go. Not once have I ever heard him raise his voice or even sound exasperated!
This morning was yet another test of his endurance.
I was surprised to see them walking in the wrong direction then realised he was taking her the long way around the block. I wondered if it was to 'trick' her or distract her from thinking she was heading to nursery. They got quite far along, however the penny dropped when they got to the lights, and there she stopped.
Jewelz and I continued on our round….they were still there when we got home….we continued our normal routine….they were still there….I grabbed my camera….they were still there….I left and saw them a few steps in front - he had picked her up!
They were stood there for a good 10mins or more. Patiently he tried to convince her that she'd have a really fun day and be able to tell him all about it when he picked her up at the end of the day. She considered quietly but was resolute in not wanting to go.
I have great admiration for this dad…and think I could learn from him!

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