Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Ok, so the picture quality is horrendous but it was the best of a bad bunch and I just had to blip my gorgeous girl on her leaving assembly from the infants today!

Frantically rushed back from work to see the wife had bagged front row seats so had a great view of proceedings.

A quick stop at home then Evie was back to school for her leavers evening! That poor child will be tired tomorrow!

May was shipped off to Sally's, Elliot was round kaths so ideal opportunity to have a bit of me and em time so went for a bite to eat at ask in Walden.

Picked Evie up from school at 9.30 and she was absolutely buzzing. Told me about karaoke, watching films, games with jelly, doing the conger, etc sounds like she had a great time. Sad to think her time at that school has gone so quickly:(

Children were asleep the minute their heads hit their pillows and the wife and I were not far behind!!

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