Singing Wren

It's been such a beautiful calm sunny morning that I've been out for two walks. The first one was a mooch around the top of the reservoir on the hunt for Dartford Warblers. I did see a few but they were very skittish and too far away for any decent shots. I did see this little Wren singing it's heart out. I was so surprised that it stayed there, as they are normally so quick to fly for cover.
The second walk was up to the village for some bread as I completely forgot to put the bread-maker on last night. It was still dry and it's a lovely walk taking me through the churchyard, past the chickens and fields. I came back via the old Spar where a couple of workmen where working on the outside of a property. The older one of two noticed the camera and asked if I wanted to take their picture? I laughed and declined as I wasn't in street photography mode. What an opportunity though!!

I've put photos of cockerels and other birds on my Flickr if you fancy a mooch.

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