Daunti's world

By daunti

This place...

Melbourne Beach, Florida, my home away from home. My piece of Heaven here on Earth. My second home. I have been spending time here for the last twenty five years, thanks to My husband who has shared this special place with me. Thanks to his parents who have found this place we call our home away from home. We use to spend summers here because of our work schedule but now spend winter here skipping winter up North. What a gift! The beauty here has always awestruck me and continues to do so. It makes me give Glory and Praise to God, the Creator of all things on a daily basis. What a way to live! The moonrises, the sunsets, the sunrises, the palm trees, the skies, the clouds, the sun, the storms, the river, the beach...just to name a few things that make it Paradise on this little island. I am sooooo grateful for this place and will never take it for granted. Grateful, grateful, full of gratitude! Blessed beyond belief...

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