....... of small tins !!!
As I was wondering what to blip today, it occurred to me I had a number of these small items!!! How many of us have such items hanging around and we don't like to part with them?
So many things we horde because they remind us of a special occasion or a special person , all the above ( in my blip ) have special memories ------
1 my friend gave me this with shower gels etc in .
2 my daughter gave me this when she came back from holiday 2/3 years ago. ( when I looked after dear Harvey, I miss him so much )
3 another friend ( yes I have more than one??? ) gave me this at Easter 2 years ago.
4 this came to me one Christmas from my other daughter, it's for recipe cards, simple keep sake.
5 this is the latest as my sister- in- law gave it to me at Christmas 2015.
Small things mean such a lot, I think a lot of children miss out on these as bigger and bigger thing just have to be purchased, cos' so and so has got it I must have it !!!!
We really need to look around us and appreciate the little things in life.
Happy ..... to have memories.
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