Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Hidden Treasure

The Flickr Friday theme is hidden and I'm sure that there must be some treasure in there! 

My favourite derelict building wasn't my original plan but I left home after work in a rush and didn't check the memory card was in the camera when Stella and I first went out! 

The extra is the church from our afternoon/evening walk too as I don't often take a shot of it from the front.

She didn't complain at an extra walk and I didn't complain when I'd done 14000 steps by the time we got home :) 

Legs are feeling it now though and my feet are complaining but I'm still feeling proud of what I've achieved in 4 months :) 

Now reading over 15000 as I've re-arranged the spare room to accommodate the kitchen cabinets that will be arriving tomorrow.

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