Sussex churches continued......

Half day today and Robyn took me out for lunch as an early Mother's day treat.
After we got home, I went out for a quick look round and ended up at the local village of Itchingfield.
Itchingfield's St Nicholas church was built around 1125, and the current building still has 2 walls and several windows from that original 12 century building. Since then the church has been added to and rebuilt a few times and boasts interesting features from various dates in history.
Especially interesting is the 15th  century all wooden bell tower which stands alongside but not attached to the church building.
The Priests house standing in the churchyard (I have included a picture in my extras) dates from the middle ages, and was probably built as a cottage for a paid vicar.
On the way home I saw some Lady's smock flowering on a bank beside the really made my heart skip a beat..spring is getting soo close.
Running my moth trap tonight as part of 'The Garden Moth Scheme' it's freezing outside so I don't hold out much hope :-(

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