
Busy Day.
Picked Emilie up from school at 11:30 and took her to the eye doctor. She is near sighted and will need glasses, then to the mall to get some shorts for volleyball. Got a call to pick up Layla from school because she had a fever of 103.3. Took Emilie back to school, went to Layla's and brought her home and put her to bed. Lucky that Mike was home on the couch not feeling well. I was able to leave those two, go back to school at 3 get Lexi and Auri. We then went grocery shopping. Unloaded groceries and started dinner. At 5:30 I went to Emilie's school and picked her up from Volleyball practice. 
After dinner Layla and I searched the internet trying to find something interesting for her science fair. She wants me to help her with it.
This picture is of Emilie working on an electronic project lab..(her Dad's when he was young)
I sure hope the other girls don't get sick. Layla's temp is back up to 103. Gave her some more tylenol, took them home.

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