Power Lines

Shot on the A17 on the way home.

A very busy Thursday it has been.  I am therefore pleased when individual 'projects' get finished at work.  One thing at a time.  One simply needs to go through the process, to stop thinking and just do.  Thankfully, the students involved cooperated by doing what I told them to do.  'You do your part, I will certainly do mine.'  I even got a mail from one of them:  'Thank you for being so patient.  I am so sorry for having been such a burden to you.'

At home, he doesn't notice it himself, perhaps, but hubby is so much better.  He's more open, asserts himself more (ehem ...), and his shoulders are noticeably less stooped.  What a difference a day makes.

All of the above notwithstanding, energy levels are on the low side so have to watch out.  The first assessment interview is now being planned -- I dislike those so much.  We have to fill in the usual forms AGAIN and ask a couple of colleagues to evaluate us as well.  I've sent out the form to them but am not really worried about what I will get back.

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