Bird Whisperer
A strange phenomena happens when I go into the woods ~ birds flock to me. I have had people tell me that I must be a bird whisperer (which makes me laugh) but as I was taking photos of the cardinals, like this one, I had two men approach me and ask if they could stay with me. They each had 10 2 and 3 ft long lenses in tow on tripods. One had two heavy duty cameras complete with big daddy zooms. The only problem was, there were no birds for them to photograph until I arrived. One said to the other, "Damn, look at the cardinals around her. She must be a bird whisperer." I laughed and replied, "No, just quiet and patient." Naturally, they could not stop talking and moving their tripods from position to position, so I wished them good snapping and went further along to find a new spot to wait....and the birds came....and so did the men...again!
In the extras, I have included a photo I took of one of the men who was sitting walking around instead of standing still, leaving his one camera on the tripod as he carried another! The elderly man, sits his camera on a tripod but sits on the bench feeding the Canada Geese which is sweet. He just loves the birds and they love his seed :) I have included a chickadee coming looking for something from him, as well.
That's the key. Stand still.....and wait. The birds are curious and they will come. Many stay in the trees until the see that I am no longer a threat and then they will come down to investigate. So I am not a bird whisperer...just a very patient and quiet person with a camera.
Have a super weekend all!
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