Sea View
A visit to the wandered maw, very wandered indeed, and then a call in at the Bank to sign boatie stuff to open a new account. Useless shower, truly. That's the fourth time EM has had to take in his ID.
But onward! The keys! Yes, yes, a change of outlook is Iined up for MrP. Then out of town to IKEA. Mugs and glasses. It's a start. And home over the Braids, stopping to take a photo of the castle. As you do.
Later, out to the Tap to meet an old pal who's finally left after years of unhappiness. He was looking full of life, and I was most happy for him. Tell you one thing, he said, that's the last time I have to eat fucking Quorn. He had to leg it not long afterwards as his eldest was at the swimming baths, leaving me in the company of an older bloke who was sharing the table. He had a navy Guernsey with buttons at the neck, and a bushy white beard. I struck up a conversation as I finished my pint. Only polite. He was a Leither, and I told him that I was looking forward to the morning, having got keys to the new gaff, explaining where it was. Ah, the fishermen's cottages he said. I liked that very much.
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