Spanner any one!

He's only gone and changed his mind about which car he prefers - that's thrown a bit of a spanner in the works because I don't like what he likes!!!!

Just got home after finishing my 11 day stretch. It was quite nice today as I worked with Daughter Number 1 this morning then Mr W this afternoon. Nothing like a bit of keeping it in the family!!! 

 I couldn't decide what I needed to do first when I got in....... turn the heating on, change into PJ's, brush my hair, have a wee, eat chocolate, make tea or just collapse!!!!!

Soooooo looking forward to my 1 day off tomorrow!!!!


and Mr W has just offered to bring a Pizza home !!!!(but thats also him admitting he popped out for a beer after squash because Dominoes is right next to Wetherspoons!!!!! Crafty!)

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