portrait of a gannet

Shetland Day 5
I've never been this close to a gannet before.
Despite it being misty and drizzly we decided to go with our original plan and go to Hermaness to see the birds. It was well worth it for the close-up views of the gannets, puffins, bonxies and dunlin, as well as watching the gannets trying to land on the cliffs in the strong winds. I took a sequence of them using my camera on sports mode and it is like an amusing movie to go through them quickly.
The walk took us right to the north of Unst and the mist cleared briefly so we could see Muckle Flugga, the end of the world.
The visitor centre (small and unmanned) was good and later we visited the most northerly house in Britain, the end of the most northerly A road (the A968), the most northerly church (Methodist and quite new) and most northerly castle, Muness.
Back at the campsite all was quiet as the Scouts who'd taken over site and hostel previously had gone so we were able to use the hostel facilities to dine in comfort and chat to people from Europe.

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