Steampunk and Steam

Oh goodness! What a difficult choice I've had to select a blip for today.
Went to the Bradford Industrial Museum for a Steampunk event and a blipmeet arranged by the effervescent lovelupins. Met the lovely Kit267, Sushi and Beewriter who I've had the pleasure of meeting before and a new introduction to Madwill and jankerman.
First on the agenda was tea and cake, one has to get ones strength up when on a photographic marathon such as this. We clicked, we flashed, we zoomed and we snapped away to our hearts content. The Steampunkers were so accommodating to our needs: posing, pouting and vogueing to our demands.
Then we retired for more tea and cake- sod the diet.
All too soon it was time to go home and to try and decide which photograph to choose, the choice was never ending.
Finally decided upon this lovely lady who looked unique among the unique.

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