Mini Eisteddfod
I have organised and compered (mere?) the mini Eisteddfod in our local pub for the last four years. From 3.00pm to the evening we are entertained by firstly the youngsters - primary school age, then our wonderful teenagers and then after our Welsh lamb supper the grown ups.
Not all the songs, poems or readings are Welsh but this year we had lots of Dylan Thomas, Mary Hopkins, David Bowie tributes and lots of audience participation!
Best for me are the sort of acts shown in my blip...a 10 year old girl with a lovely voice, accompanied by her dad. Then a group of teenagers, the girl singing accompanied by two boys, one on the ukelele, the other on a drum. The chance for families to share performing and for all ages of the community to enjoy each other's company is so rewarding.
PS We know Bowie wasn't Welsh but he was David Jones and we have local musicians who loved him!
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