Owl Baby!

This young Tawny Owl was outside the cafe at Wentworth Castle Gardens when we arrived at lunchtime. The owners, from Moorland Falconry, were wanting to give their two new young birds an outing to enable them to get used to people and being on display. They also had an incredibly beautiful young male Peregrine Falcon with them that is even younger than the owl.

Having received a phone call from Ann & Andrew (who left slightly ahead of me) about excessive mud on our usual route to Stainborough I chose an alternate route which probably took me twice the distance, so they'd explored the gardens by the time I arrived.

Fortunately we got back just ahead of the rain, which meant the washing I'd stopped to hang out was dry when we got home.

A shower and a spell on the computer for me - they are in the conservatory chatting and reading the paper.

p.s Owl Babies in a children's book written by Martin Waddell - for those of you who know it I think this is Sarah.

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