Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes
This little ringtail possum may be the one who likes to sleep in the abandoned bird's nest in the tree next to my back verandah. He seemed a little put out that I was up so early just as he wanted to get by and snuggle into bed.
After taking the photo and checking the shot, I wondered if I needed to stock up on "How to perform exorcisms for Dummies", then decided it was just the camera flash...or is it?
A parishioner took a funny turn in the pews today, fainted, and the paramedics had to be called. I admit to having to suppress a smile when my colleague said in the sermon, "this brother of yours was dead and has come to life", just as the paramedics helped the parishioner sit up. (He has fainted before BTW, it is not indicative of a major health issue. I'm not a hard hearted c*w).
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