Egg Carton Chaos

It was a first for Poppy and Hamish last night.  It was their first "Sleepover" and we were so thrilled that is was to be at Wombat Hollow.  They are the most loveable dogs you could ever meet and very affectionate.  Jensphotos made sure they had plenty of toys to play with to keep them occupied.  HOWEVER, Hamish was very pleased with himself when he discovered an empty egg carton in the recycling bin in the pantry.  He carried it around lovingly for the rest of the evening.

All was well when we headed off to bed and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  Morning told another story.  I was just about to make the early morning cuppa when Jen called me up to the Waratah Room, OH, OH.  Something's up.  There strewn across the floor was one egg carton which was now in 1,000 pieces.  I called out to CCN - "Houston we have a problem".........Well we couldn't stop laughing it was quite a moment and the dogs were so pleased with themselves as you can see in my image tonight.  I don't think an egg carton has ever been paid so much attention.

It was great to have Jen and the doggies join us last night and it was a wonderful way to debrief on what had been a sensational day.  Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and incredible support for the Blackheath Blippers and their photographic exhibition.

It is with great joy and pride that I announce that the runaway winner of the competition to name our little Joey is rainie from Timaru in New Zealand - Blippy was your overwhelming choice.  So Blippy it is and I'll make sure I let her/him know the next time Mum and Blippy make an appearance.  Thanks for joining in the fun everyone.  

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