Busy, Busy

I had things on my mind last night, so I didn't sleep so well. Consequently I was up at 8am on a Saturday....

I had a lot to do, which was mostly trivia, but saved up for the weekend. I had plans to meet Tim for lunch, but he postponed until tomorrow, which left me a little relieved as it might be difficult as we have some things to talk about. 

I got ready early in case the nail salon could fit me in ( I know, what a waste of money!), but they said they couldn't but they'd call me if anything came up. I had a nice breakfast with mum, and then chilled a little.

Then I went home to fiddle about. I haven't been able to officially "go" home as yet. I'm not sure why.... I stayed while the heating was broken, and then whilst I had my op, but have yet to return. Again, I don't know why.... So I did a few jobs there, collected the mail, looked at the plants still collapsed and waiting for expert planting to take place etc.

Then I came back and had tea and toast. And then I took Little B for a dandle to Auntie Shelles, to see " the white grass". The White Grass is the cream rug that my dad has ousted from the living room, as he hated it, and Shelle happily took it - it's better than her current carpets until they replace! Unfortunately Little B LOVES this carpet! He eats his morning biccie in there, wipes his face all over it after he's eaten, and generally rolls around on his back snorting with happiness! And since it's been gone he's rather upset! So we had a little visit to "reassure" him that it's still close by! He raced around the living room when we got there, but wasn't as excited as we thought he'd be ;-)

I went into Guildford to get the thing I wanted for mum for Mother's Day, and then barely had time to sit down before going out again. This time to get my nails done (they gave me an appointment), and then to go into London.

I had a date tonight. I wasn't really keen to go, it felt more like a sense of obligation. I'm not really ready for all that yet, but I also feel I should push myself a bit to get back out there. A lot of times you end up chatting with people and it never goes anywhere, so it was good in a way that this one did. 

He suggested a nice restaurant, although it goes against my 'no-food-on-a-first-date' rule. I know I'm not alone, as if you really dislike the person, and have nothing to talk about, it can be interminably long.

Luckily this one turned out ok. The train took way longer due to engineering, so by the time I arrived at 8:30pm, I sort of wished I could just go to the pub or go home! I expected any old restaurant to be honest, but he only chose one of the most expensive restaurants in London! (see other pic).

He was nice, conversation flowed easily, so it was a genuinely nice evening. I'm not sure I can see potential, but that's ok. I had no expectations anyway, but it's always good to see things through. He ordered a lot of food, and was clearly a foodie. The food was nice, but I only ate a little, I'm not a big eater. When the bill came, well... let's just say he didn't get much from an eye-watering £250! Wowzers. I felt very poor, and a bit inadequate. 

But hey ho. It was a nice evening, and a tale to tell. Unfortunately I got another painfully slow train home, and got home at midnight.

Luckily they were still up, and Little B came halfway down the stairs to greet me, woofling with excitement. I do love that furry little thing ;-) 

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