Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

A Fair Exchange...

Time : 07:23

Place : Vicar Lane, Leeds

Weather : Misty, moisty morningy.

Subject : The Corn Exchange

Soundtrack : "Kirby's House" by Razorlight

Thoughts : Rebecca and I come from a town that in the 60's and 70's went through a phase of "Modernising Madness". Out went the old - The Bull Ring, the Old Market Place etc - and in came concrete monstrosities - MacFisheries Supermarket, Freshney Place etc. Very few examples of Victoriana are left in Grimsby town centre.

So when we moved to Leeds, it was a joy to live in a city that takes care of it's heritage. True, there are "interesting" developments here too. No doubt some will feature in future blips. But many grand and important buildings still remain.

This is a prime example; The Corn Exchange, finished in 1864. It was designed by Cuthbert Brodrick, who was also responsible for Leeds Town Hall, Leeds City Museum and Scarborough's Grand Hotel.

It is a Grade 1 Listed Building. I pass it every time I walk from the bus stop to the station. And whatever the weather, I take a pause (either a long sunny pause or a shorter wet one) to marvel at its beauty. Oh Grimsby, what did you lose?

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