
By Hayls

Crazy Crane

Eldest had a party over at Clydebank this afternoon, so we left the house early to visit Titan the Crane beforehand.

It's most definitely worth a visit. Hubby struggled a bit with the fact that at the top there was only thick wire mesh between him and the unforgiving dock below. He's not the best with heights bless him. However, for the sake of the boys he gingerly made his way across the mesh to see the amazing views. We stuck around to watch the crazy people bungee jumping off the end (can you see the man making his descent?). Something that hubby, only last night, had said he wouldn't mind doing. He's so fickle. Apparently he'd now rather gouge his eyes out with rusty spoons.

Dropped eldest off at his party at a go-karting/LaserPlanet place. The go-karting looked awesome and I'm thinking what a fab way it would be to celebrate our upcoming wedding anniversary. 15 years. It would also give me the opportunity to finally prove to hubby that my driving skills are immeasurably better than his. Bring it on!

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