
By Hillyblips


Tewkesbury was awash again today; rain and tourists both in plenty. The little market town is geared up for the annual Medieval Festival with a re-enactment of the Battle of Tewkesbury in the Wars of the Roses on the old battlefield.
The streets are a mishmash of beautiful tudor buildings and quaint alleys sitting cheek-by-jowl with 60's disasters where the Town Planners must have been on Speed to have allowed it. The rickety buildings lean over the road all displaying colourful hanging baskets and medieval banners based on those carried in the battle.
I don't know why I went through the Lancastrian gate, maybe it was to check out the opposition or just that it was nearer the carpark in the event of a flood! I waded, sloshed and slipped my way round the tents amongst 15th century minstrels, knights and traders where I could have become a Smithy or learnt how to forge my own knife should the mood have taken me. It didn't...but I thought the Wadworth Banner looked promising ..........?

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