Funny Noises And Horse Poo

Rain in the morning, sunshine and wind in the afternoon.
I turned around and went home after the trees started to make funny noises and moves towards me and when they began throwing branches and leaves in my path. I wasn't in the mood to fight back.

And as I turned around I stepped in horse poo. I noticed it too late, the rain had flattened it all out and so it wasn't too bad. But I keep asking myself if stepping in horse poo is more lucky than stepping in dog poo?
On the photo you can see the horses foot prints (foot prints? horse-shoe prints?)

I could use a little luck. The dentist can't find anything wrong with my teeth, but a toothache is coming and going for weeks now. Intervals are getting shorter and it feels like I'm getting ready to deliver a little baby tooth. (That's a lousy joke, I know.)

19:25 CEST 18,3°C

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