
The brass band world is a competitive one, but also very friendly , passionate and caring. Players and bands all help each other out and support each other - until it comes to the contest stage.

Most bands needs a temporary base the day of the Yorkshire areas, near to St George's hall and as BD1 and City of Bradford's shared band room is in walking distance we hire it out to bands from other sections. This morning Hebden Bridge band were using it before City of Bradford needed it this afternoon.
Mr H and I volunteered to open it up and make the tea and coffee so it was an early start again this
Morning. Whilst the HB band were playing Mr H nipped out and got the two of us a bacon butty. I sat in the Boss's office - not somewhere you usually want to be invited to!:)- to enjoy it.
had a power nap on the settee this afternoon after walking Reggie. Think the last 2 weeks of banding are catching up on me.

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