am bioran

By AmBioran

Beinn Pharlagain

Up the Road to the Isles for a Corbett long on the radar. After a very pleasant drive along the shores of Loch Rannoch, we parked up just short of the road end and headed north to the hills. The new hydro works at Dunan slightly distracted us to an the extent that we missed the bridge....and ended up on the wrong side of the Allt Eigheach. But the ground was frozen so there was no problem continue on our course across the icy bogs.

As with all hills that border Rannoch Moor, the higher you climb the views just get wider and wider. The peaks of the Blackmount and Glencoe were particularly prominent in the morning light.

From the summit, we felt like we were in a little oasis of clear weather as all the sourrounding hills were now shrouded in cloud - the massif of Ben Alder to the north east loomed over our wee sanctuary, dark and brooding.

Returning south, and after a plunge in a hidden sucking bog (yes sucking), we raced up Sron Smeur (513m) for a final view before traipsing back the car.

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