
We are getting 'My Food Bag' delivered every week at the moment, the vegetarian option.
If you don't know what it is I'll explain.

We pay a certain amount and get all the ingredients for 4-5 meals plus recipes delivered to the house once a week.
The food is fresh, organic/free range where possible and all the amounts needed for each recipe are sorted out, right down to fresh herbs and spices!
So, all the cook(me) has to do is throw it all together .

I am quite a good cook and until now would never dream of using this sort of thing , Ella was the one that wanted to try it, for the variety.
I have to say now though that it does take the worry of 'what are we having for tea' stress away.

I still cook other bits and pieces from the top of my head on the other nights of the week still though.

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