Life in Canada

By MissMacPic

Ta Da!

I get excited about little things in life.  

I decided to try some new seed in my feeder.  Literally within a minute, the chickadees descended and loved the new meal.  They were bellying up to the feeder when I saw a flash of orangish-red go past. Chickadees scattered and this little guy grabbed a few seeds.  For those of you who love birds, you will understand the excitement of seeing a 'new' one and uncommon to this area!  I double-checked to ensure that battery was fully charged, lens cap off (thanks kind Blipper friend), and I went outside to wait....

I present to you, the Red-bellied Nuthatch.  I have previously photographed the White-bellied, countless times but this cousin is uncommon here (can be seen further south in Ontario).  Smaller than a chickadee with a lovely song!

Oh happy day  : ))

Have a lovely week...supposed to feel like Spring here this week!


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