Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

A visitor

First time we've seen a squirrel in the garden, usually it is the pigeons who hoover up all the food on the bird table. Not sure I want him to be a regular though, the food is for the birds, not squirrels!

I've planted out some mesembryanthemums today, hope we get some sunshine as they aren't that impressive if they don't open right out and sunshine is needed for that. Still got loads left, not sure if I've got any room left in the garden for any more.

We went to Stratford on Avon today to get Gary a new laptop - he's been researching it for ages, and this was a good deal. Also went to Asda Living, as Gary had seen a greenhouse reduced to £20 - when we got there, it had been reduced even further to £10! Bargain - it is quite a big one, probably 6' by 3' or so, with a plastic cover over it. Eventually I think I might end up getting a 'proper' one but this will do for now. We (he!) started putting it up tonight but then it started pouring with rain so we ran indoors. I'm not quite sure what's happened to me, I've turned into a gardener/allotment addict...

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