From My Neighbours Garden
Sedum Autumn Joy... they have such tiny sweet little flowers. I had one in my garden...that was one of the things John cut down when he thought the house was going to be repainted again. Still wanting! The poor plant has managed to get a few leaves but not sure it would flower this year.
I got a phone call from my cousin to say his father was in Christchurch for a few days and he wanted to call in and see us. I had to go out for a shot time so told them I would be home after lunch. First was taking my catches back to the hospital and my library books were also dew back today. I just had time for my lunch and they arrived. I hadn't seen my Uncle for some time. He lives in Timaru and is in his 90's. He is my last living Uncle. I have no Aunts left.
Luckily I got this shot this morning as they said it may be a bit dizzy this after noon. The weather people got it right. While I was out the drizzling started and it has lasted sometime. Getting heavy for a while. First sign of water for a long time here in the city.
We are going out to a wine tasting tonight at the casino and it looks as if the dazzle may have just about stopped.. do hope so as we are walking there.
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