
A busy night resulting in another dandelion blip.  

We had a staff meeting tonight that finished with a decision on a new focus for our staff.  I thought that it would be a good time to provide a morning tea for them tomorrow to celebrate tonight's decisions, so I went to the supermarket on my way home intending to buy packets of food.  Instead I came home with the ingredients for a cake and some piroshki.  

Which meant that I've just spent the last two and a half hours standing at my bench.  Reminder to self - next time just buy dips and biscuits!

I looked out the window while I was cutting bacon and saw a dandelion caught in the last rays of the sun - my lawn is particularly prolific when it comes to dandelions.  But by the time I finished the bacon and changed the lens on my camera I'd lost the light.  Which meant I had to bring the dandelion inside to photograph.

It was a bit 'flat' so I sprayed it first.

Well, the dough has finished rising for the second time, so I'm off to roll it into balls and stuff it.

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