Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Sod's Law

Yesterday morning we awoke to no internet. After a good deal of attempting to reboot the router, etc. I realized the problem was actually with the phone (the internet service is a DSL line provided by our landline phone company - so they are in effect one and the same). I drove up to where I could find a spot of connectivity for my mobile phone and learned from the person I reached - who said her name was "April" but whose accent made me doubt that - that there was a very wide outage in our area and that they were sure they would have things up and running again by - wait for it - March 10th. WHAT????

Anyway - no blip for me. So this is a back blip - one of the exactly three photos I took on our walk in the morning. Mr. Northern Mockingbird in his usual perch at the corner of *his* road. Spring songs are starting to be sung!

Imagine my excitement when I discovered things are working properly again this morning! And it's only March 8th as I type this!! Phew.

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