Usually in this household when I say jump, the answer is how high?
A chap came to the door today looking for the usual direct debit for what is indeed a worthy charity. I was glowering at him  wishing he would  just quit the small talk and cut to the chase when he said " you look like a tough lady" At this point any headway he was about to make was rapidly decreasing like the slipping sands of time! As my brows slipped further down my coupon, he then said "are you married" to which I replied " are you asking"  I swear he took a step back & paled visibly  then said " Im getting married in July" When he finally asked would I be willing to commit to a Direct Debit I said "no, I donate as and when I can". He then said that the folks I see on the street with cans for this charity get a percentage of what they collect!!! That's a new one on me! 
There's much about the machinations of charity work that we don't know about.! Many years ago I knew a retired engineer who when he retired became the director of a well known animal charity. He said then  that this was where the money lay for retired folks to use their experience to run charities! Then almost forty years later I read that the Head honcho of the PDSA was pulling in a salary of over 250k! How right he was!

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