legs crossed (and fingers too)

If you follow Anniemay you’ll know she’s going through a 1960s photo-style phase at the moment (David Bailey and Bill Brandt so far).  I decided to join in by trying the film emulator in my editing software.  

I used Kodak Tri-X 400 B&W film a lot in my youth.  This is what my editing software thinks that film looks like.  I have nothing to compare it with these days and so can’t say if this is accurate or not - but I quite like it.

Started a new drug regime today; statins for my cholesterol and a new heart drug.  I don’t particularly like taking pills and both these can have unpleasant side effects.  But this is just something I have to do and I’m keeping everything crossed that they work.

A healthy diet can get my cholesterol down by about 10% - but I already have a healthy diet and my cholesterol has to come down by about 25%.  Someone once said to me, when we were talking about medication; “I’d rather have a crutch than fall over”.  So pills it is.

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