
The car went in for a service today and rather than hang about I went wondering into Peebles for my own form of service - a haircut.

This is easier than it used to be as there has been an increase in the number of barbers in town centres.  It should be said that there is more scalp showing on my head than hair.  Cutting my hair is a straightforward process.

I am always intrigued when it comes to the charge.  Clearly, the advertised charge for a gents haircut is based on a certain volume of hair to be cut and time taken.  There is a special rate for those over a certain age but barbers are too polite to ask.  So when I go to pay, there is usually a pause while the barber looks at me before telling me the cost.  Today it was half the standard charge and less than the senior charge.

When I was in Oman, I could then go and fill my car with petrol at less cost than my haircut.  Didn't work in Peebles.

The blip is of flowers Ellen received from our daughters on Sunday.  They are very thoughtful.

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