Sisters of the Sand

Well not really 'sisters', but definitely 'of the Sand. It was a exciting morning in the Sand Pit at the Dog Park (ok, the Sand Pit is always exciting!) Luna and Tara took a moment's break, just long enough for me to grab this shot. The *extra* today is of Nube full of mud and sand. It was a good thing that the water was 'on' at the Park today. They have been repairing pipes and sometimes we get 'stuck' with sandy, muddy dogs to take home. It's good  that I'm not too picky about the cleanliness of my car's interior! Hahaha! ;)
***Today is International Women's Day.  An Ancient Chinese Proverb reminds us that..."Women Hold Up Half the Sky!" If you ask me...probably more than 'Half'! Just sayin'. ***

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