Bike on a Bridge

I love the bike and I love the bridge. The two had to meet at some stage.

Thirty odd miles later there was a fat fingered garmin catastrophe as I stopped for a caffeine fix. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for them, Cameron and Andrew happened to be in the cafe so took the full force of my frustration. I probably took it too far explaining the inner workings of a garmin and its Strava interface to the waitress though.

In a fit of pique I cycled straight home rather than pushing on.

Got back to do a pathetically small amount of work and then it was Steak Night with Tuna steaks for me and Ruby in a break with tradition.

I've just cleaned the bike and come back in to find Eve is reading in the man pod again. I need to deal with this before it spirals out of control.

PS: that's mud on the saddle.

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