Finch by finch...

...they approached the feeder, hovering angelically alongside until a space was available. 

A slow day on the photographic front. There was an amazing sunrise, which I saw from the bedroom window, and then the sky deteriorated into a pall of grey cloud. I was going to go for a walk after I'd dropped Ben in Stamford, but I just couldn't muster up the enthusiasm. 

Instead Pete and I went into town to pay in a couple of cheques, and also stopped for a sneaky coffee. We had a quick look at clothes (most unlike us) as we've been invited to a wedding celebration, and I feel that I can't really turn up in a shirt and jeans! Amazingly we found some rather lovely dresses, although all my favourites tended to be eye-wateringly expensive (at least for me!) More pondering is necessary... 

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