Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Rebecca has been a LOT happier today. She played on her own loads and she didn't scream the house down whenever I attempted to leave the room!

I put her over beside her toy box and she had a great time emptying it out!

She had another first today. She managed to get on all fours, with her arms and her legs straightened out. I thought for a moment she was actually going to stand. She obviously didn't quite know what to do once she got there. She's got about 8 days to go to beat Elizabeth at crawling!

But she is already ahead of Elizabeth for clapping and waving.

And we gave in to temptation and put the front facing car seat in. It's lovely to see her while we're travelling. She seemed happier.

We got Jeff's new car today. He took Elizabeth home in it and she chatted to him all the way home. Apparently his car is warm and cosy.

We took the car round to his parent's to show it off. When we were attempting to leave, Elizabeth said she didn't want to go. She wanted to stay at Grandad's house "forever and ever!" But when we convinced her to leave she said she "really, really" wanted to come back "again"

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