Testing Tuesday!

I was so looking forward to my Drawing Class today! I spent the morning drawing dried flowers with ink and a skewer thinking just how lovely my life was that I could do such a thing - just follow my whim! Fat Cat was asleep on the sofa and Tilly pecking at her pellets under the table! After this I tidied the clothes in my attic and put away the Christmas boxes that had been dumped up there waiting for me to dive under the hanging clothes to find them a home for another year! I cleared out the fridge, cooked my Scicilian Aubergine Stew and then it was time for the class!
Oh dear - drawing figures! In preparation for our live model next Tuesday, who I found out was going to be nude!! This quite put me off my stroke and how I yearned for my skewer and ink and a load of dead, dried flowers! By the end of the evening I began to get more of a hang of it. Our teacher acted as model, with clothes on, and even struck a chicken pose to make me feel more comfortable! I did suggest I bring a chicken to next weeks class, or my camera, drawing a mans' dangly bits is really not how I want to spend next Tuesday evening!! Found out he is 62 and has had a bit of a health scare so will not be striking athletic poses - thank heavens for small mercies!! 

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