Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

8th March 2016

The girls decided to make a fuss of Coco this evening and to tell her the bad news from yesterday. They're pretty convinced she understood as she's been very quiet this evening and not much normal house wrecking going on.

Today I had a meeting with the care home. Dad is to be moved to another room whilst his section is decorated. I had to choose between the dementia unit and the nursing unit. I chose nursing as it was quieter and 20 residents whereas the dementia unit was noisy with 30 residents. I really hope he goes back to his old room after it's been renovated, these big units were not what I had in mind for him when he first moved here. I hate having to make adult decisions, especially when my brain still thinks I'm only 19. Being the responsible adult is stressing me out. If I haven't made the right decision, I just hope they can find another more suitable room for him.

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